International Project “Global Dance Overture”
New Largescale Project of «The Russian National Ballet ‘Kostroma’ – Global Touring
In view of the political and economic transformations that have been taking place around the world during the last decades, the mankind is facing a large scope of work (inter alia – in the cultural sphere) to come back to the sustainable world’s geopolitical configuration of the multipolar world and religious tolerance.

Ideas of tolerance, nonviolence, concurrence and solidarity represented in a meaningful cultural action might become a universe recipe of peoples’ coexistence despite their dissimilarity in social, political, economic, cultural, racial, ethnic and religious areas. And Russia might be a pattern of a fortunate multinational country ever existed.
Implementation of the innovative project of the Russian National Ballet ‘Kostroma’ – Global Dance Overture™ might be an action of the kind.
The basic vision of the project is as follфows: traditional folk art appears to be an engine for promoting ideas of humanity, an effective toolkit for manifesting country’s peaceful policy. In this innovative programme the Ballet ‘Kostroma’ represents the solidarity of many ethnicities being populated on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The core of the present show is the final version of the conceptually completed large historical and ethnic canvas about the Great History of the Great Country – “The Russian National Dance Show “Kostroma”. And precisely, deference to the great history and to the variety of ethnic cultures is the keynote of the Dance Company’s performance.
Synergetic impact of two acts of the performance – historical and ethnographic – seems to be not only the means for shaping mutual understanding and cohesion amongst the peoples of Russia but also engine of peoples’ diplomacy and peacemaking mission directed to strengthening peace around the world.
Genealogy and the place of location of the Dance Company originated in the Russian province – the city of Kostroma that itself has meaningful historical roots, and this circumstance (as it is) reveals inexhaustibility, power and distinctiveness of the Russian folk art.
The Ballet ‘Kostroma’ has in its repertoire the brightest dance pieces that are associated with the Russia’s image – ‘Girl in Silver’, the well-known ‘Kalinka’, etc. The Dance Company is a dynamically developing one that implements in its stage activity modern orchestrations and the author’s interpretations of folk original sources. All the dance pieces have been built in a logical sequence and constitute the fascinating story devoted to the Russian history and ethnicities’ cultures.
Overseas tours of the Ballet ‘Kostroma” are always of great success, all in all there have been 45 tours in 27 countries. It is high time to tour American and African continents, the Mediterranean, Northern Europe and Baltic countries within the mentioned above World Tour.
It is noteworthy that 12 years ago in the city of Kostroma the Ballet established “The Governorate Ballet School” (College) which is in a position to singly raise young talants to secure continuity of the unique art traditions of the Dance Company. The success story of the Ballet’s tours around the world convincingly testifies that this task is on the forces of the Ballet ‘Kostroma’.
So, there are all reasons to believe that with the support of state authorities of the participating countries, the diplomatic circles and world mass media the Project might become a significant international action.
Huge folios containing numerous feedbacks in many native languages prove the audience recognition of the style, forms and contents of the Dance Company creative work. Judging from the comments in foreign publications the Ballet’s performances are considered to be the bright ‘Business card of Russia’ and ‘Russian dance miracle’… Presentation of the performance is available on website . Apart from massive information in Russian there is a possibility to directly contact viewers speaking Chinese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Persian and Hebrew…
The concept of the international action in BRICS format is to be launched under brand name Global Dance Overture™ . The Project Premiere will take place in Beijing (China) in 2017. Cultural interaction between BRICS member states might be filled with a real content being able to generate notable public interest.
The Premiere performance will be carried out with participation of the ministries of culture of Russia and China and under the auspices of the ministries of foreign affairs of both countries. Great involvement of diplomatic missions of Russia, India, Brasil and South African Republic in China as well as the Chinese Embassy in Moscow, state and private Chinese institutions in the field of culture and tourism is expected.
Invitations for attending the Premiere performance and preceding Press-conference are to be disseminated amid highly ranking diplomats with accreditation in Beijing, officers of international organizations based in China, prominent public figures of China, representatives of big businesses, financial institutions and trade partners within the frames of BRICS, Russian, Chinese and international mass media and also heads of art theatres and travelling agencies of China.
During the Press Conference the major role is attributed to highly ranking diplomats of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Foreing Affairs of China, followed by greetings from diplomatic missions of the other BRICS countries. Decoration of the Press Conference Hall provides for presentation of the state flags of all the BRICS members. Information materials intended for dissemination at the event will be published in Russian, Chinese and English, including a special leaflet of the Ballet. Short after the Press Conference and prior to the performance there will be cocktail reception in the name of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in China. It is highly desirable to have both events in the same concert hall building.
In accordance with the prospects of the organizers an important role (both at the press Conference and at the cocktail reception in Beijing) is allocated to the Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the II Rank, Head of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs of Russia Ms Maria Zakharova. Her successful activity as the Press Secretary of the Ministry, recognizability and fame within journalists will expectedly generate interest and attraction towards the project on the part of international mass media and might contribute to positive public resonance worldwide.
The audience will also be presented with three lingual leaflet on the history and success story of the Ballet ‘Kostroma’ with the welcome message on the front page signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mr Sergey Lavrov followed by Programme of the performance “The Russian National Dance Show “Kostroma”. The Minister’s welcome message will be placed the same day on the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Regional Administration of Kostromskaya Oblast and the Ballet ‘Kostroma’.
There will be a proposal addresed to the Chinese party to organize a after-show reception symbolizing the passing of the Project’s torch to the next receiving party of BRICS community – the South African Republic.
The Chinese party is providing one of the best venues in Beijing for the Project Premiere. The consequent expences for further concerts of the tour around the country will be covered by the Ballet ‘Kostroma’ and its local partners.
The innovative scale project of the Russian National Ballet ‘Kostroma’ is aimed at developing cultural dialogues as major constituent of public diplomacy.
President and Producer of “The Russian National Ballet ‘Kostroma’
Honored Worker of Culture of Russia
Elena Tsarenko